THE DESIGN HUB is an online library offering essential resources for interior design enthusiasts, students and recent graduates.
We offer a range of easy to follow resources that clearly explain:
- the design process and the steps to take when working with a client
- materials & finishes; what they are and where to use them
- fundamentals of interior lighting
- how to prepare a design portfolio & resume (includes examples of templates)
These resources are designed to expand your knowledge about the interior design industry & give you the best chance of success to begin your career. Whether you're trying to start up on your own, or looking for employment within a studio, we can help you get prepared.
"The content is detailed, easy to follow and all the things I wish I knew earlier. A must for anyone looking for more guidance or mentorship."
- Margaret Smyth
Hi, I’m Dana
I'm an interior designer / architect based in Sydney, Australia. I have 13+ years experience and run a boutique studio, INK interior architects which focuses on creating modern and highly detailed spaces.
I've been involved in design education since 2014, giving lectures at design schools and colleges across Sydney. I offer my students real-world examples and insights into the design industry, including what to expect and how to get prepared to give you a competitive edge.